Frohe Weihnachten !!

 Das Jahr neigt sich einmal mehr dem Ende zu und die “besinnliche Zeit” beginnt.  

Wir wünschen Ihnen und Ihrer Familie frohe Weihnachten und ein gesundes und glückliches neues Jahr!


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Ihr Microtronic Team


Wir machen vom 21.12.2024 bis zum 07.01.2025 Betriebsferien. In dieser Zeit ist kein Versand von Waren möglich.

Electronics Production World

Microtronic Announces New Online Resource for LBT-210 Solderability Tester

Microtronic GmbH, a leading sales specialist of microelectronics, announces the launch of its new product home page for the LBT-210 Solderability Tester. The new page is now available at

Microtronic’s LBT-210 Solderability Tester is a revolutionary system that meets current industry challenges. It can test in the two classical ways with a solder bath or a molten globule of solder. More important for production improvement is the company’s new method using solder paste and a temperature profile.  A component is placed on printed solder paste and heated through the same temperature profile that is used in production. All force parameters and values during the heating cycle are monitored and saved. This is the only known existing method of simulating and qualifying the solder profile of an in-line production solder furnace in conjunction with different solder pastes and components.

Microtronic’s new LBT-210 Solderability Testers combine cutting-edge technology and the most versatile software on the market. With the LBT-210, testing components is easy, fast and reliable, with clear results every time. For more information about Microtronic’s LBT-210, visit the new product home page at

About Microtronic

Microtronic was founded in 1981 by Joop A. Eggelaar and is based near Munich, Germany. With 30 years’ experience, we are the microelectronics leaders in Europe and offer a wide range of products and services to the microelectronics industries. Regular training courses are offered on various topics through in-house training or specific employee training courses can be arranged on request.
Customers include companies who require added solderability test, ultrasonic microscopes, circuit board repair systems, welding systems, solders and solder pastes.