Frohe Weihnachten !!

 Das Jahr neigt sich einmal mehr dem Ende zu und die “besinnliche Zeit” beginnt.  

Wir wünschen Ihnen und Ihrer Familie frohe Weihnachten und ein gesundes und glückliches neues Jahr!


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Ihr Microtronic Team


Wir machen vom 21.12.2024 bis zum 07.01.2025 Betriebsferien. In dieser Zeit ist kein Versand von Waren möglich.

AIM® bietet eine komplette Produktlinie erstklassiger Lotpasten, no-clean, wasserlöslich und bleifrei & halogenfrei, die alle Anwendungsbereiche abdecken.

M8 NO CLEAN LÖTPASTE ist für ihre anspruchsvollen Bestückungsaufträge entwickelt worden. Sie ist eine konsequente Weiterentwicklung der sehr erfolgreichen NC258 Plattform. 
--> M8 ist die nächste Stufe der no clean Lotpasten. <--
Entwickelt als T4 Paste (und feiner) für bleifreie Lötprozesse, gewährt die M8 Paste stabile Prozesse für die heutigen herausfordernden Anwendungen. 
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NC259 is a low-cost, lead-free halogen-free solder paste that offers the performance of tin-lead and high-silver lead-free solder pastes.  Now manufacturers can attain the SMT soldering results they require and pay significantly less per gram than with traditional lead-free solder pastes.  NC259 provides excellent print definition and sustainable solder volume transfer as the demand for smaller pads grows.  Proven to mitigate head-in-pillow defects, NC259 reduces rework and rejected board costs to the manufacturer.  NC259 is formulated to provide one of the
NC258 Solder Paste has been developed to offer long pause-to-print capabilities while enhancing fine print definitions.  NC258 Solder Paste reduces defects such as voiding and head-in-pillow.  The superior wetting ability of NC258 results in bright, smooth and shiny solder joints.  It also offers very low post process residues, which remain crystal clear even at the elevated temperatures required for today's lead-free alloys. Available in industry standard sizes. 
NC254 is a lead-free and tin-lead compatible solder paste that offers very good wetting, clear residues and has shown to eliminate voiding under micro-BGAs. 
The revolutionary activator system in AIM's new NC273LT low temperature solder paste improves the wetting performance of bismuth alloys to RoHS compliant plating and surface finishes, while ensuring long stencil life, excellent transfer efficiencies and minimizes solder balling common to high bismuth materials.  The majority of lead-free solutions require higher processing temperatures than their lead bearing predecessors.  In some cases, these higher temperatures cannot be tolerated by other materials in the assembly.

NC520 is a general no clean paste for use with lead-free and tin/lead alloys . NC520 has been developed to offer excellent wetting, improved printing and to reduce voiding.

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AIM’s WS488 water soluble solder paste has been designed to wet virtually any solderable electronic surfaces, components, assemblies, and substrates. WS488 offers superior slump resistance, as well as excellent print characteristics and 8+ hours of stencil life. WS488 is compatible with all leaded and lead-free alloys, and has been developed for use in a wide range of applications. Easily cleaned in tap water, this all purpose water soluble product was created to meet the industry’s demand for a consistently reliable water soluble product.