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 Das Jahr neigt sich einmal mehr dem Ende zu und die “besinnliche Zeit” beginnt.  

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Ihr Microtronic Team


Wir machen vom 21.12.2024 bis zum 07.01.2025 Betriebsferien. In dieser Zeit ist kein Versand von Waren möglich.

TSM ist der führende Hersteller von Reflowöfen aus Südkorea. Die Hauptprodukte sind konventionelle Reflowöfen, N2 Reflowöfen mit Stickstoffgeneratoren und exakter Steuerungsautomatik sowie Lötöfen mit integrierter und zuverlässiger Vakuumkammer. 
Zudem bietet TSM spezielle Lösungen, wie z.B. Doppelspur- und Twin-Reflow Systeme für hochvolumige Fertigungen, kompakte Lötöfen für kleine Stellflächen, Single-Side Varianten oder Systeme speziell für den Semiconductorbereich. Alle Reflowsysteme verfügen über eine moderne und bedienerfreundliche Software und zeichnen sich durch hohe Temperaturstabilität bei geringem Energiebedarf aus. All dies, gepaart mit innovativen Funktionen und modernem Design.
Herr Eggelaar hat das Werk von TSM in Südkorea im Februar besucht und die Systeme genauestens in Augenschein genommen und getestet. „Die hochmodernen Reflowsysteme von TSM passen hervorragend zu unseren bestehenden Produkten und runden unser Portfolio ab. Sie sind ein weiterer innovativer Baustein unseres Produktangebots für die SMT Fertigung.“, Ernst Eggelaar, GF von Microtronic

The TRA series reflows are an innovative design that ensures efficient flux discharge as well as highly efficient thermal management

Provides innovative solutions through energy savings and environmentally friendly policies.

Has set the standard for power consumption and will continue to be your reliable supporter.

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There is no other reflow system in the world that has been upgraded more than this one.

The newly released ES-Series reflow satisfies all of the functionality, economic efficiency and practicality by overcoming its limitations.

  • It is equipped with the most advanced "ESP-series"N2 generator that can control theN2 purity and flow rate as a built-in type, a first in its industry.
  • Realizes unrivaled energy saving by automatically adjusting the N2 generation quantity being interlocked with the reflow.
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AutomaticN2 flowcontrolaccordingtotheppmsetup Applies an advanced energy saving system

The TRN series reflow developed by TSM through continuous innovation will give customers great satisfaction with its excellent functions and performance as a top model that realizes the econology and humanism for which TSM is aiming.

  • The TRN series models features the best of the best in all aspects including energy saving, flux recovery capability, total solution, etc. TSM realized the lowest N2 consumption levels imaginable in its industry by applying a special structure that shields the inside of the oven as well as the system that controls the ppm of all zones uniformly. TSM has played a leading role in reducing N2 consumption in the industry by continuously upgrading and focusing on N2 consumption. Here, its newly developed N2 flow control system supplies the minimum quantity of N2 optimized to maintain the set ppm in the oven with the ESP connected to the oven and thus reduces the air consumed in the ESP significantly, reducing the power cost of the air compressor to a great extent. In order to respond to the process that uses solder containing a large amount of flux for the electric parts of automobiles, heaters are installed at the inlet to which flux is mainly adsorbed and the exhaust outlet of the cooling zone in order to prevent flux from remaining and to allow the exhaust to be discharged smoothly. In addition, by allowing the one touch type FMS normally installed at the cooling zone to be installed additionally even in the preheating zone as an option, the flux recovery rate is maximized to allow customers to minimize defects and process management loss.
  • Leads the reflow technology by applying a special heater of IR+hot air blow type. TSM's special heater, which combines the convection method that creates convective flow of hot air heated by the heater using a motor to the IR method that transfers the radiant heat of the panel with high thermal efficiency directly to the base metal, maintains t even at low wind speed, allowing high quality soldering of micro patterns. In addition, it can realize a stable profile because there is little deviation of flow velocity. In particular, while existing plate heaters have burdened customers significantly with their high cost, TSM's panel heater will lead the industry with a new reflow thatboasts both reasonable cost and quality.
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Ultra-low power consumption responding to CO2 emission regulation Upgraded next generation reflow realizing the minimized N2 consumption

Do you want to know the O2 concentration in each zone in the N oven?

If it fails to maintain uniform N2 ppm throughout the zones from the PH1 to the cooling zone, solderability is reduced due to thermal oxidation during soldering, causing product reliability to be reduced.

The real time ppm check system (RPPM), developed and patented by TSM quickly collects the O2 concentration in each zone and displays it with a real time graph to prevent any defects that may occur due to non-uniform ppm.

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